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Connecting to the Ocean Through Sound

Written by Joshua Sam Miller, ocean activist, composer & impact producer

Live Performance at Boston’s Museum of Science. © Matt Teuten
Did you know that sound is the first sense that we develop in the womb and the last that we lose when we die? It is an immensely powerful sense that can instantly connect us to our deepest emotions and environments.

Over the past five years, I’ve had the privilege of creating music with whales and dolphins, exploring that profound power to deepen our connection with blue spaces. I invite you to listen along as we take a dive into the transformative power of sound.

A Musical Journey 

Many people ask how my journey into ocean sound began.  It traces back to my childhood experiences as a scuba diver and the passion I developed for the profound power of sound. So, when I had the chance to hear the sounds of humpback whales for the first time in Monterey, California, you can imagine the awe I felt for these magnificent beings. 

As someone who has struggled with learning foreign languages throughout his life, music has been my greatest communication tool to connect with people from all over the world.  Science now tells us that whales also have a language which they use to communicate, one that has mystified us for centuries. I’m drawn to the emotional depth of their language and how it can inspire us to protect our collective ocean home. 

Learning to Listen 

In modern culture, we have become very focused on visual appearances.  For example, when we return from a trip often the first question we receive is, “What did you see?”.  It has been a goal of mine as a sound enthusiast to re-write that question to include, “and, what did you hear?” 

Our Sound Bath, Osa National Park, Luna Lodge, Costa Rica. © Joshua Sam Miller
I find the practice of listening, deep listening, to be an invaluable addition to our busy lives. 

For me, it helps to reduce stress levels, connect with myself and focus, amongst many other health benefits. The idealist in me believes that if we could learn to truly listen, then there would be far fewer problems in our modern society.  The realist knows this is easier said than done. 

One moment I vividly recall was in Portugal, where I experienced my first sound bath.  It was transformational and one of those moments you never forget.  The instruments stirred such intense emotions within me that I could barely believe what was happening to my body.  It was a release that I had never experienced before and the foundation of my practice as a mindful musician. 

The Power of Sound  

As a mindful musician, I am very interested in how sound can help us relax and improve our mental wellbeing.  In my work, I focus on techniques like rhythmic & brainwave entrainment, frequency healing and vibrational therapy.  


Many cultures around the world have used sound to alleviate chronic conditions, providing a form of relief that does not require the ingestion of chemical substances, which often offer only temporary solutions.

Sound as a sensory element has been proven to be a very powerful tool to reduce anxiety, stress and support a healthy nervous system. 

Conch Shell Blow, World Experience Summit, London, UK 2023. © Richard Eaton

Magical Ocean Sounds

“Ecology is written in the symphony of whales.”  - Dr. John Ryan, Monterey Bay Aquatic Research Institute


I still remember the first time Dr. Ryan played me the sounds of humpback and blue whales in his office in Moss Landing, California. The experience of hearing and feeling these magnificent creatures was so powerful that I nearly leapt from my seat, convinced an earthquake was happening!  Once the shock wore off, I quickly realised that these beautiful mammals have quite a lot to say to each other, and to us. 


A recent study from CETI published in Nature Communications shows us that sperm whales actually have an alphabet, and communicate in a series of clicks called codas, very similar to the structure of our own languages and musical phrases.  

A Conversation between Joshua Sam Miller & the humpback whales, Cinemare FIlm Festival, Kiel, Germany © Till Dietsche

As a musician, I draw immense inspiration from playing alongside the songs of whales. I couldn't ask for better bandmates and approach my instruments with deep respect to amplify what these magnificent creatures have to say. Down in the deep, a truly magical and mysterious world unfolds, and we are only beginning to develop the tools needed to understand its wonders.  


When I am playing music together with a pod of Humpbacks, I feel as if I am down there with them, swimming along.  It’s hard to explain, but it's an experience I deeply cherish and am grateful to have in my life. 

Linking Ocean & Human Health 

Sounds of the Ocean Live at COP28 feat. WHAIA Sonic Weaver, Elise Lein & Joshua Sam Miller. © Daniel Cervenka

Quite early in my artistic development, I started to understand the critical link between the health of our environment and the health of humans.  I attribute this awareness to my experience studying world music, such as Indian Raga, and spending a lot of time outdoors as a wilderness guide for organisations like Outward Bound & the YMCA.  It just started to make sense to me, when I am outside, I feel better. Simple, right? 


However, I began to question why, if this connection is so clear, we still struggle to protect our environment, even while enjoying the comforts of modern society. This question, it turns out, is quite complex, so I looked for simple ways to answer it.  


I thought that perhaps more people needed to fall in love with nature to feel inspired to protect it.

In other words, I realised that most people are disconnected from the natural world. This clarity allowed me to blend my skills as an artist together with my mission as an activist to help people reconnect with the ocean and themselves. 


Imagine entering a dimly lit room, where soft blue lights dance across the walls. An expectant hush blankets the space, inviting you to prepare for an extraordinary experience. As a hauntingly beautiful sound begins to resonate, your spirit is lifted, guiding you on a profound journey through the depths of the ocean alongside the magnificent whale. 



The Rise of Impact Entertainment 

The Ocean & Climate Summit - COP27, Egypt. © Oceanic Global

In recent years, we have seen a new genre of entertainment rise. One that prioritizes an impact goal as part of the audience’s experience. I have been inspired by this movement and I am proud that our project, Sounds of the Ocean, is a part of it. All of our events support the removal of plastic waste in rivers, lakes and oceans around the world thanks to our partnership with everwave, a German based company.  

Experiencing the magic of whale song for the first time often leaves attendees emotionally inspired. I believe these moments are crucial for motivating climate action and empowering individuals to make a positive impact in their daily lives. From the outset, we have partnered with local activists and non-profit organizations, providing audiences with opportunities to engage in clean-up and environmental protection initiatives at our events. 

Another partnership we are proud to highlight is our collaboration with the Whale & Dolphin Conservation (WDC), which offers an adoption program that enables individuals to fund the protection of whale habitats and marine protected areas. 


Lastly, our partner, Oceanic Global, works alongside the United Nations to produce World Ocean Day and other events that unite the best scientific research organizations, artists and thought-leaders to inspire greater Ocean protection and foster cross-industry collaboration. We believe that this merging of public and private partnerships is essential in today’s world, and we wholeheartedly advocate for the significance of these gatherings. 

Planet Ocean 


We live on a blue planet, and it’s time we started acting like it. I hope that our work can offer a new way for regular, hardworking families to feel more connected to their sense of sound and of course the Ocean. 


Thank you for your support and if you would like to learn more please check out: 


Remember, every small action makes a difference.   

Participants of a film festival in a darkened room with a blue lights and jellyfish visuals on the walls.
Fulldome UK Film Festival 2022, Plymouth, UK. © Jay Stone


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